
Your Package

Magical Mirror Experience

Magical Mirror Experience
$1,200 includes 3 hours

+$200.00 per additional hour

  • 45- Inch Mirror
  • Custom Event Theme Welcome Screen
  • Custom Event Theme Photo Template
  • Choice of 10x7 Glam Backdrop
  • Choice of VIP carpet, stanchions, velvet ropes
  • Full Prop Table
  • $250.00 deposit required
  • 3 hours of service
  • 1-2 attendant
  • Unlimited Digital Images and Unlimited Physical Prints

**The magic Mirror offers a fun and interactive way to engage your guests, providing them with a unique experience to capture spontaneous moments. While it's a fantastic addition to your event, please note that while the images from this photo booth is our highest-quality images, it does not replace your professional photographer. This booth adds an extra layer of entertainment, but it doesn’t replace the quality, expertise and artistry of your hired photographer**

Contact Us

Questions or comments? Need Help?

Give us a call at 770-609-7029 or e-mail us at info@photoglam360.com